The One with the Last Chance Party!

If you joined us for our last event, then you'll be happy to know that we are going to be back again  for another! You've seen me mention it a few times by now, but we have the list of what is retiring from the 2019-2020 Annual Catalog and moving to the Last-Chance Products list.  Soooo many of our favorites and most of the things that you have seen on my blog are on there! 

We would love to have you join us as we all take time to share what we loved, what we're glad is staying, and, most importantly, what to do with all of that retired product you now have piling up!! We are so excited to do another event to be able to share with you guys during social isolation and during this event we will have more information on when we will be having our New Catalog Launch Party and how to get in!

I would love to see you guys on our lives, if you want to join, the steps are the same as last time:

1. Follow the link-
2. Enter the host code- NDZHJQP7J
3. Enter my name- Karisa Stojkovich
4. Head to to browse what things we may be showing or get products to craft with us!
